Global Technology Risk


Why we exist

While new technologies offer great opportunities for positive change, they also involve risks of potential negative impact and unforeseen events. Since the past century, technologies have become more powerful than ever and are being developed at an unprecedented speed, also scaling up the impact of potential negative consequences.

These risks are not exogenous. However, in order to prevent misuse, accidents and undesired structural changes, active management by a diverse set of stakeholders is inevitable.

What we do

The Global Technology Risk Foundation is a non profit organization registered in Berlin, Germany. The goal of the foundation is to contribute to the mitigation of global risks from powerful technologies. 

The foundation is funding research on risk and mitigation strategies, connecting relevant stakeholders as well as to promoting the responsible development of powerful technologies and active risk management.

We are actively looking to fund and support the smartest people with great ideas in our areas of interest. If you are seeking funding or want to collaborate with us please contact

The Emergence of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is expected to have significant impact on many aspects of human live. As of today, systems are outperforming humans in various tasks, contribute to scientific research and advances are developed with enormous speed. With increasing adoption by businesses, governments and individuals, it needs to be ensured that automated systems are safe, reliable and guided by human values. Areas that we are particular interested in include:

  • Auditing and evaluation tools for large language models
  • Interpretability and explainable AI
  • Technical solutions for preventing disinformation
  • Global Governance Models

We are actively looking to fund and support the smartest people with great ideas in our areas of interest. If you are seeking funding or want to collaborate with us please contact

Who we are

Als Serienunternehmer und Technologie-Investor verfolgt Jan den Aufstieg von Technologie, seitdem er als Teenager im Alter von 15 Jahren seine erste Tech-Aktie kaufte.

Jan Beckers


As a serial entrepreneur and technology investor, Jan has been following the inevitable rise of technology since he bought his first tech stock as a teenager.

He is convinced that many of the big challenges of our times can be solved with technology, but since learning about the future impact of AI in 2013, he became increasingly worried that ever stronger technology comes with ever stronger risks. In the following years, it became apparent to him that there is not enough thought power and capital invested in managing the rise of technology in a way that it addresses associated risks appropriately. Driven by the strong belief that these risks are not inevitable, in 2021, he decided it is time to redirect and scale his giving activities towards global risks from technologies.

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Lisa managt Jan’s Social Impact Aktivitäten seit 2021. Zuvor arbeitete sie bei der IOTA Foundation, einer gemeinnützigen Stiftung, die die Entwicklung von Distributed-Ledger-Technologien vorantreibt.

Lisa Beckers

Managing Director

Lisa has managed Jan’s social impact activities since 2021. Previously, she worked at IOTA Foundation, a non-profit organization that promotes the development of distributed ledger technologies.

Lisa holds a masters degree in Human Decision Science from Maastricht University.

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Christoph ist Chemiker und verfügt über mehr als 10 Jahre Erfahrung in der Biotechnologie Industrie. Außerdem setzt er sich seit Jahren für Völkerverständigung und Frieden in Europa ein.

Christoph Oldenburg


Christoph is a chemist and seasoned expert in the biotechnology industry. He also is passionate about working for peace in Europe.

In order to foster more links between German- and Russian-speaking societies, he founded the German-Russian Young Leaders Conference and serves on the board of trustees for the Foundation for Commemoration and Peace of the German War Graves Commission. Beside his professional and honorary roles, he actively serves as an officer of the reserve for the German armed forces.

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Fritz ist Geschäftsführer von Ocean Investment und verantwortet bei der GTR Foundation alle juristischen Angelegenheiten. Zuvor arbeitete er mehrere Jahre für eine große US-Kanzlei an Private Equity Mandaten.

Dr. Fritz Schuchman


Fritz is Managing Director of Jan’s Family Office which he joined in 2021, after having worked for several years in the private equity practice of a major US law firm.

As part of his legal training, Fritz worked for the German Embassy in Tanzania as well as the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs; he holds a PhD in competition law.

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